Bottom Line Upwards Front: With this new cutting-border add-on to InkSoft’south Shop Branding characteristic, your Online Stores are all fix to get more traction. It’ll improve your marketing, generate more involvement, and earn you lot more traffic. Get the details here.

When it comes to Online Stores, we all know that having the right e-commerce capabilities — and offering the right smooth buying process — is not bad.

But we also know that customization — having the ability to really personalize the shop and aid it stand up out in a crowded digital marketplace — is but as crucial.

So we decided to accept that sentiment and run with information technology. Right to the cartoon board. And, after a little bit of digging and a little scrap of artistic problem-solving, we’ve managed to create a new InkSoft feature.

A characteristic that has the ability to customize your digital presence — and the digital presence of your customers’ offerings — in new, heady ways. And a feature that has the power to take all of the marketing for your Online Stores to the next level.

Apparel decorators, run into Store Branding’southward newest feature.

Store Preview Paradigm Video Overview

Watch this video overview to run into the all-new store preview prototype

The New & Improved Store Branding Breakdown

Every bit many of you already know, as soon equally you’re in any one of your Online Stores, you’ll be able to find the Store Branding feature under ‘Store Admin.’ And in one case you’re in the feature, you’ll meet all of the opportunities for customization — at your fingertips.

First, let’south talk well-nigh what the Store Branding has always offered: customizable logos and icons.

Obviously, logos and icons are vital in building a digital presence that really speaks to a unique brand identity — whether that make is your ain or your customers’. They tell site visitors exactly who the business in question is, how information technology carries itself (tonally, stylistically, and visually), and what kind of audience it’due south looking for.

For case, a local loftier school’due south Online School Shop might have an attention-grabbing logo of a tiger flying through the air — if they’re the San Fernando Tigers — and that image would capture the focus of every educatee, parent, and alumni who’re familiar with the mascot.

It would conspicuously differentiate the store from other virtual stores out there, and it would create a welcoming, proud, community-centric feeling every time someone clicked onto the page.

In stark contrast, a corporate brand that’due south looking to sell products to a wider audience is going to take to rely on its own existing make identity — rather than pre-existing community ties — to drive real results. If they get with a simplistic, professional logo, they’ll evoke a sense of immediate trustworthiness and professionalism. If they become with a colorful, abstract, wild logo, they’ll evoke a sense of inventiveness, uniqueness, and unapologetic individualism.

The simplistic, professional logo might work well for a company in the fiscal sector, looking to apply an Online Fundraising Store to meet their fundraising goals. The colorful, wild logo might piece of work well for a local fitness studio that’s had to close its doors because of the pandemic and is looking for new ways to generate earnings.

Even from these features alone, it’southward clear that Shop Branding plays a massive role in the marketing ability — and sales ability — an Online Store has. So now let’due south look at the new addition.

It’s All About Store Preview Prototype

If you’re similar, “What?” And then don’t worry — we’ll explain everything y'all need to know. (And we’ll get you improving your digital marketing game in no time.)

So… what’south the shop preview epitome?

The shop preview paradigm is, in simple terms, the epitome your audience sees when they’re scrolling through their social media feed and stumble across the link y'all shared. Every time yous brand a post and include a link — whether it’south to an Online Store or not — that link comes with an image. Chosen at random by the technology powers that exist, this image aims to requite your audience a clear picture of what the folio they’re being directed to offers.

InkSoft Social media preview image
Real World Example if a Social Media Store Preview Image
Tip: Keep the Branding & Visuals Consistent with the Store Preview Epitome

Does it always succeed? No.

Is information technology always beneficial to the business that’s trying to ramp up site traffic? Also no.

Only now, those worries are in the past. Businesses no longer take to feel powerless near what their store preview images expect like — they no longer need to throw their hands into the air and let Facebook, or Twitter, or LinkedIn choose their store preview image at random.

Because now we’re giving you a way to control it.

We’re giving you a way to cull the best image for the job — the epitome that conveys the right information, the correct CTA’s, and the right branding. Then your audition knows exactly what they’re getting by clicking the link — and they’re excited about taking that footstep.

So how exercise you have command of your store preview image?

Easy: you have the power to upload the image of your choice. Only scroll downwards the ‘Store Branding’ feature in your Online Store’s admin, discover the ‘Store Preview Image’ section, and click “Upload Image.”

It’due south that simple. It’south that painless. Just wait… there’south more.

Afterward your prototype has been uploaded, if you curlicue a picayune chip further down the page, you’ll run across where you can click to preview how it’ll await — on three unlike social media platforms. That’southward right: click a button, and your Facebook preview, your Twitter preview, and your LinkedIn preview are right in that location in front end of you.

There’s no more than worrying near if all the text is clear and readable. There’s no more stressing about how the logo looks on a smaller graphic. And there’s no more defoliation almost why your audience isn’t reacting the way you lot thought they would — and realizing that, hey, they couldn’t see the CTA the whole time.

You take all of the power to customize your paradigm, preview it earlier you postal service the link, and command the entire digital marketing procedure as it relates to the visuals you post with. And you lot take information technology all from this i add-on to InkSoft’s Store Branding feature.

Existent-World Results

Just tin store preview images actually matter as much as we’re proverb that they do?

Yep. They can and they do.

We’ll intermission information technology down for you lot: when you’re scrolling through your own social media feeds and passing by post after post, ad afterward advertising, what are the ones you lot cease on? What are the posts y'all break to read, and the links you take the time to click through to?

It’s the ones that grab your attention. The posts that give y'all the full lowdown conspicuously, quickly, and in a visually compelling mode — so you’re not stuck reading paragraphs of text, and you’re not left wondering what on globe it is that the business in question is selling.

You know the details, you lot feel like you know the brand, and you’re pretty certain you know only what you’re going to get when y'all click. That’s the power of digital marketing, and a large clamper of it comes downward to the epitome you see right there on the postal service.

That’s why — specially right now, when people are on their phones (and their social media specifically) more than they’ve ever been before — you need to exist compiling the correct avails to make your posts count. You need to be choosing the right tactics, and deploying the correct features.

This is one of them. It all starts with the image you cull — so it’south upwards to you to selection a rock-solid one. That means bonny, attending-grabbing visuals that tell your story fast. Information technology ways designing images with purpose so that, if you’re reaching a new audience, their first impression of your business is positive. It’due south engrossing, and it’s impactful.

That’s what you want — to inspire confidence in the people you achieve, so that they not only click to the site — but trust that as they continue on the buying process, they’ll get exactly what they expected to get.

The fact of the matter is, the store preview image is valuable real manor when social media posts but requite y'all so much room to become the point across. Couple that text limitation with the depleting attention spans of today’s audition at large, your best bet for fast, constructive, and authentic storytelling is in the visuals.

Then use your shop preview images to tell your story. With InkSoft’s new Shop Branding adequacy, y'all can.

Choosing the All-time Store Preview Image for the Chore

If you’re feeling overwhelmed about picking a shop preview epitome that’ll get beyond everything that you need to get beyond, while captivating your audition with impressive visuals, then don’t worry. Because we’ve written out some tips for you.

  • Clarity Matters Virtually: Don’t try to add as much messaging and as many visual components as you tin can into the image, considering that’ll only pb to chaos — which will counterbalance the whole visual down. Simplicity is crucial because it works to pull the audience in, rather than turning them away — if your audition is tasked with taking the time to read through all of the data you’ve included, they likely won’t commit to reading it at all. So, if they can’t understand what you’re ad quickly — i.e. that the store is selling spirit wear, express-run band merch, or t-shirts for a fundraiser — and then your image isn’t getting the job done.
  • Imagery > Text: Your audience on social media won’t be compelled to stop past text. They will exist compelled to end by visually appealing imagery — so use that to your reward. Capture attention with visuals, and then use your marketing copy to give them the info they demand — and drive them to act.
  • Call to Actions Matter: When you’re including CTA’s in these images, you desire them to be crafted with clarity, purpose, and directness. Since you don’t have room for unlimited text, yous need to make every word count — with the end-goal of getting your audience to click into the Online Store.
  • Consistency is Key: Since you’ll be posting more than once, on more than than one social media platform, you’re going to want to ensure that your branding, visuals, and style is consistent across all of it. Non only does consistency increment your brand exposure (because different audiences are seeing your branding at different times), but it also works to evoke a strong sense of professionalism, intendance, and distinct identity — that your prospects will notice.

Pro Tip: Consider creating store preview design templates for various online store sales use cases such as spirit vesture stores, team stores, company, and apparel stores. Templates will speed the process and provide consistency.

We’ll leave you with one final piece of advice, this one visual: an example of a strong, clear, visually captivating store preview image that inspires audiences to human activity.

Store Preview Image Example

And that’due south it — the full breakdown of our newest add-on adequacy. Nosotros hope you get acquainted with it and start using it to your advantage — and we hope you encounter some fantastic digital marketing improvements as a result.

Showtime Selling Smarter with InkSoft Online Stores

Get the selling advantage with InkSoft Online Stores. With InkSoft, you lot'll get a powerful suite of e-commerce tools to sell personalized products like custom apparel, signage, and promotion products. Our manufacture-specific features are fabricated for clothes decorators, print shops, and impress entrepreneurs who are serious nigh growing their sales and serving their customers ameliorate. We'd love to show you lot our platform and the ways our customers are using InkSoft to grow acquirement. Desire the details? Click here to request your personalized online bout of InkSoft.